Gluten Free

Ice Cream Sandwiches 2 ways – Chocolate or Vanilla (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Ice Cream Sandwiches 2 Ways - Chocolate or Vanilla (Vegan & Gluten-free) We've been really lucky in the UK the last couple of months in that we've had the most amazing weather. There's been so much sunshine we almost don't know what to do with ourselves. None of us is used to this much heat and sun! You'll find some making the most of it and enjoying every second of it, and others complaining about it. I have to say I was one of the latter. Don't get me wrong, I love the sunshine, it's the heat I can't stand. It makes me feel so sleepy, lethargic and irritable. Especially since moving into our new place. It seems our flat just draws [...]

Strawberry Chocolate S’mores

Strawberry Chocolate S'mores S'mores aren't really a thing here in the UK, but they really should be! Two crunchy biscuits (aka cookies) with a melted marshmallow and melted chocolate. I can't think of anything better :D  I missed out on so many years of toasted marshmallow goodness. I really didn't know what I was missing out on until I tried one for the first time and I was hooked! Really puts the regular, un-toasted marshmallow to shame. And now you can get gelatine-free marshmallows too (yay!!). In celebration of the Royal Wedding, I've created a traditional American recipe with a British twist by adding in some chopped strawberries to give them a 'strawberries and cream' feel. Everyone is in agreement [...]

Blueberry Scones (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Blueberry Scones (Vegan & Gluten-free) I've only made a scone recipe once before when I first started my blog and was fairly new to baking and recipe creating. I don't know why it's taken me so many years to finally make another one. It's not like scones are one of the most quintessential British bakes ever or anything like that! :P So I thought it was about time I went into my kitchen and made another scone recipe, but this time vegan, gluten-free and packed with blueberries! Because blueberries! I've teamed up with Seasonal Berries to demonstrate how versatile their Chilean blueberries can be and how you can incorporate them into sweet, delicious and moreish treats. Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins [...]

Cookie Dough Brownie Bars

Cookie Dough Brownie Bars A few years ago and before embarking on my health journey, I never thought healthier desserts existed. How can you have a dessert that's also somewhat good for you? It just couldn't be done, unless it was mainly fruit. Now I know the word 'health' and 'healthy' have different definitions to different people depending on their stand point. Just to give an example, I've come across people who don't even consider fruit healthy and avoid them at all cost because they're 'too high in sugar'. That notion still baffles me. When I say 'healthier' treats I mean treats that are lower in sugar and saturated fat but at the same higher in things like fibre. Treats that contain more 'whole' ingredients [...]

Tofu Spaghetti in a Tomato Sauce (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Tofu Spaghetti in a Tomato Sauce (Vegan & Gluten-free) My love for tofu knows no limits. I think it's such a versatile ingredient and a great one to include in any diet, but especially in a vegetarian/plant-based diet. It's a great source of good quality protein and an easy way to get a good chunk of your recommended calcium, omega-3 and iron daily intake. Also, it tastes sooo good! When seasoned correctly of course. Tofu is seen as such a boring, uninspiring and flavourless ingredient. It's especially boring for a meat eater. Why eat tofu when you can eat chicken, right? But to be fair, my first few experiences of eating tofu were't that great either. Whenever I've had it at [...]

Healthy Baked Waffles (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Healthy Baked Waffles (Vegan & Gluten-free) Healthy waffles made with oat flour instead of plain flour, almond butter instead of oil and sweetened with stevia. they're also egg-free and suitable for vegans and those with a gluten allergy/intolerance.  Do you own a waffle maker? I used to, but I rarely used it. I found it so difficult to create a healthy vegan, egg-free waffle without the batter sticking to the waffle iron. It almost always ended up in a huge mess, and trying to get the stuck batter off was a nightmare! That really put me off using my waffle maker.  I must admit it was a cheap waffle maker and I haven't owned one since, so my waffle maker [...]

4-Ingredient Salted Caramel Fudge (Vegan & Gluten-free)

4-Ingredient Salted Caramel Fudge Do you feel you overdosed on chocolate over the Easter holiday? No? Me neither, but can you really overdose on chocolate?? Well the answer is yes but it doesn't count during Easter :P  Actually, I haven't had any Easter chocolate or any kind of Easter treats this year. I've been recipe developing meaning I had way too many of my own treats to work my way through that I didn't see the need to go out and buy an Easter egg and my family know not to get me treats for that exact same reason. Which worked out fine! It just means my chocolate cravings are as strong as ever, and that's why I'm posting this chocolate [...]

Mexican Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

Mexican Quinoa Stuffed Peppers Many of you have been asking me on Instagram to start posting more healthy savoury plant-based meals. You asked and I listened!  I know that for many, eating healthy sounds boring and uninspiring. We associate healthy eating with salads, low fat\low calorie ready meals, bars and other packaged foods. The idea of cooking meals from scratch can seem overwhelming and time consuming, but it definitely doesn't have to be. As someone who's both working full time and studying, I need to be able to cook meals that are quick, easy and I try to make sure I get in good protein, complex carbs, healthy fats and plenty of vegetables in there. I also like to batch cook meals so [...]

Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (No-Bake, Vegan & Gluten-free)

Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (No-Bake, Vegan & Gluten-free) I find thumbprint cookies so cute and fun to make. I recently made a blueberry pistachio & cardamom thumbprint cookie recipe, which received a lot of love on my Instagram feed. So, I thought why not create another one, but this time a no-bake version with a chocolate hazelnut centre. These no-bake chocolate thumbprint cookies are super easy to make and only call for five ingredients, well technically six, but who counts salt as an ingredient anyway? They're a really good back up treat idea when you need to whip up something quick either when you're craving something sweet or if you have guests coming over and have nothing to serve them. Whenever I'm expecting [...]

Coconut Edamame Noodle Soup (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Coconut Edamame Noodle Soup (Vegan & Gluten-free) A delicious, warming and comforting bowl of noodle soup packed with protein and vegetables.  Whoever thought of adding noodles to soup is a genius! Two comforting meals merged together can only result in something even more amazing!  This Coconut Edamame Noodle Soup is all I've been craving the past couple of days. It really looked like spring was finally in the air and the cold days of winter were behind us, but it seems I spoke too soon! Yesterday and today have felt rather chilli and I have to admit I did resort to turning the heating back on, which I hoped I wouldn't have to do again until next winter. To make [...]

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