Main Meals

Gluten-free Vegan Chickpea Calzone

Gluten-free Vegan Chickpea Calzone Bread, pastries and anything with a crust have always been favourite kind of meals. I could happily live on toast (spread with avocado, nut butter, jam...etc), sandwiches (with different fillings) or pizza in all forms! I've always had a love hate relationship with things like pies, pastries and pasties because to me, they're some of the most delicious things on earth! But my digestive system was never too keen.  When I'm having a bad day, I don't crave things like stews, curries, pasta...etc, I always want something flour based! When I'm stuck for dinner ideas, my go-to recipe for a while has been my gluten-free chickpea pizza because it's just so easy to make and my stomach doesn't give me a hard time [...]

2016-04-24T17:12:36+01:00April 19, 2016|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Vegan, Vegetarian|22 Comments

Lentil and Chickpea Meatloaf

Most Christmas dinners are not seen to be complete without meat being the centre piece, but I don't see why that has to be the case. You can create a delicious meat-free recipe that the whole family can enjoy that takes a fraction of the time to make compared to something like a turkey or chicken!

Jamie Oliver’s Everyday Super Food GIVEAWAY – Plus His Spelt Spaghetti, Vine Tomatoes and Baked Ricotta Recipe

Jamie Oliver's Everyday Super Food book review - plus I'm sharing his Spelt Spaghetti, Vine Tomatoes and Baked Ricotta.

Baked Tamari & Maple Tofu with Rice Noodles

I've been eating quite a lot of tofu and I'm really enjoying experimenting with it at the moment. Since I've decided to start cutting back on my meat consumption and to stop cooking it at home, tofu has become a life saver! It's an amazing vegetarian/vegan source of protein and it's quite easy to cook once you know what you're doing.

2015-09-15T16:32:55+01:00September 6, 2015|Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Main Meals, Vegan, Vegetarian|24 Comments

Lemon & Parsley Cannellini Freekeh Recipe

Freekeh is a green wheat popular in Middle Eastern cuisine that's harvested when the grain is still young. Unlike the 'adult' version of the wheat, Freekeh contains more protein, minerals and fibre. It contains three times as much fibre as brown rice. Why does this make it special? Well a high fibre content means it's digested slowly and has a low GI number. A low GI means it doesn't cause the blood sugar to spike the way rice would. It also means it will make you feel fuller so you don't end up overeating.

2015-08-16T18:07:50+01:00August 11, 2015|Dairy Free, Main Meals, Salads, Vegan, Vegetarian|20 Comments
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