
Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie

Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with almond butter, raspberry jam and toasted. This almond butter raspberry toastie is my idea of the perfect winter breakfast treat. And now that the summer break is over and I'm diving into my final year of college, I need all the comfort I can get. Although I LOVE peanut butter, given the choice I would always go for almond butter instead. I love that it has a milder taste that's not too overpowering, especially when there's other flavours in the recipe that you would like to shine through. I think almond butter goes so much better with jam, that's why I skipped the peanut butter and made an almond butter (jelly) raspberry toastie [...]

2018-10-01T09:25:28+01:00September 29, 2018|Breakfasts, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, snack, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|0 Comments

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge If you're looking for new and fun breakfast ideas that you can prepare in advance and enjoy fuss free on a busy morning, then you need to try this blueberry nectarine baked porridge recipe!  Now that the weather is finally getting colder, my breakfasts are now changing from frozen smoothie bowls to porridge and my new favourite, baked porridge! Or baked oatmeal as it's known in other parts of the world.  I'm finding myself craving warm breakfasts more and more. And I know once the UK winter kicks in, I'll say goodbye to my smoothie bowls for good (well, until next spring!), as I welcome bowls of comforting, stodgy oats. One of the things I really miss about winter [...]

Vegan and Gluten-free Chocolate Waffles

Vegan and Gluten-free Chocolate Waffles Rich, vegan and gluten-free chocolate waffles using healthier ingredients. Based on my healthy baked waffles, but made in a waffle maker instead of waffle moulds. I recently bought a new waffle maker and was dying to try it out, so thought I would recreate this basic recipe but with added chocolate.  I usually make waffles on a Sunday morning for me and the hubby and it's something we both look forward to. We don't have much time for a sit down breakfast during the week, so it's a real treat on the weekend to take our time prepping breakfast (although we don't usually eat until 10-11am, so technically it's brunch!) and have a chilled sit down meal on [...]

Blueberry Pear Chia Pudding

Blueberry Pear Chia Pudding Chia pudding is such a convenient and fuss free breakfast that you can prepare the night before and take with you to work or school the next morning. Chia seeds, blueberries and pears are all good sources for vitamin K. Put them all together in one bowl and you have a vitamin K powerhouse! Blueberry Pear Chia Pudding Serves - 2 Ingredients 90g frozen blueberries 3 tbsp chia seeds 160ml unsweetened almond or soya milk 2 tsp maple syrup – or to taste. You can omit for a sugar-free version. Optional - 1 scoop protein powder to make it more filling. Toppings 1 small pear, shredded 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds or pistachios 2 tbsp pomegranate seeds Method Add the blueberries [...]

Healthy Baked Waffles (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Healthy Baked Waffles (Vegan & Gluten-free) Healthy waffles made with oat flour instead of plain flour, almond butter instead of oil and sweetened with stevia. they're also egg-free and suitable for vegans and those with a gluten allergy/intolerance.  Do you own a waffle maker? I used to, but I rarely used it. I found it so difficult to create a healthy vegan, egg-free waffle without the batter sticking to the waffle iron. It almost always ended up in a huge mess, and trying to get the stuck batter off was a nightmare! That really put me off using my waffle maker.  I must admit it was a cheap waffle maker and I haven't owned one since, so my waffle maker [...]

Peanut Butter Protein Bars

 Peanut Butter Protein Bars I love having protein bars at home to snack on, but the shop bought ones tend to be really expensive (especially the plant-based ones) and not very easy to find! I haven't actually made any in a while and recently I've felt like I really need a good protein snack at home now that I'm finding less and less time to meal prep. Since starting college again I feel like my life is so out of control! Some of you may know that I started a three year nutrition course back in 2014, mid way through I found that my business was suffering because I was spending a lot of time studying an preparing for exams and writing [...]

Chai Hot Chocolate (Vegan & With No Added Sugar)

Chai Hot Chocolate (Vegan & With No Added Sugar) A delicious and warming chai hot chocolate with no dairy and no added sugar!  Have you made any New Year's resolutions? If so were you able to stick to them? I haven't made any as such, but I've been making a conscious effort to cut down on the amount of sugar I consume. A big part of my job consists of creating and experimenting with new recipes, most of which happen to be sweet because they're the kind of recipes you (my lovely blog readers and social media followers) seem to love most! And I'm usually not 100% happy with a recipe unless I've tried it 3-4 times. Sometimes even more! So you can imagine [...]

Protein Chocolate Mug Cake (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Protein Chocolate Mug Cake You know those times when you really really crave a slice of chocolate cake (or in my case any kind of chocolatey baked good), but don't have anything remotely like cake in the house and wish that you had. I'm sharing a recipe that will come in handy for exactly those moments!  A chocolate protein mug cake that's super rich and decadent but much healthier than a regular cake. Made with protein powder, ground almonds, cocoa, plant-based milk and almond butter. I also used a little maple syrup for extra sweetness but you can absolutely replace that with more plant-based milk instead to make it lower in sugar.  For me, this is a life saver! Every now [...]

Chickpea Avocado Sandwich

Chickpea Avocado Sandwich A delicious and satisfying sandwich that's a perfect speedy lunch idea for Veganuary. I seem to see a lot of controversy concerning Veganuary this year, but I honestly don't see why some aren't happy that people are trying it out, even if it is only one month of the year. If you haven't heard of Veganuray, it's quite a newish 'trend' that's going around on social media. Not sure who started it and when, but it's my understanding that the idea behind it was to encourage people who aren't vegan to try eating a vegan diet for a month, whether they believe in the ethics behind veganism or not.  This year in particular, it seems that more and more [...]

Blueberry Protein Buckwheat Pudding

Blueberry Protein Buckwheat Pudding I keep going through phases when it comes to what breakfast I crave in the morning. Sometimes I'll have smoothies every single day for two weeks straight, other times you'll find me warming myself up with cosy bowls of porridge, but right now it's all about the buckwheat pudding!  I have shared a buckwheat 'porridge' recipe a couple of years ago (find recipe here), but then all of a sudden I stopped making it. I haven't added buckwheat groats to my shopping list in like forever and I think that's why I fell out of making them, but now buckwheat puddings are back baby and they're here to stay!  If you like thick smoothies, you'll love buckwheat puddings! It's [...]

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