
Mexican Bean and Sweet Potato Hash

Mexican Bean and Sweet Potato Hash On the menu for this weekend is this Mexican bean and sweet potato hash. A healthy, filling and packed with flavour breakfast/brunch for the whole family to enjoy! I usually go for sweet breakfasts, but on the weekend I crave something savoury. The hubby is more of a savoury person in general and prefers savoury breakfasts, s0 on weekend mornings he takes over the kitchen. It makes a really nice change having something savoury and for me it signals the start of the weekend. I now associate weekends with a savoury brunch. It's also nice because it means I can sit back and let the hubby take over. We take our time and chit chat while he prepares [...]

Vegan Spinach Cheese Rolls

Vegan Spinach Cheese Rolls Delicious flaky pastry rolls filled with dairy-free 'cheese' and spinach. A great treat to have on the weekend, at parties or a speedy evening treat!  Not too long ago cutting out dairy or being vegan meant you had to go on living your life without things like milk, yoghurt and cheese! Plus the endless list of the other food products that had hidden milk in the ingredient list. Even when more plant-based options became available, they were a lot harder to get hold of and not very accessible to the masses. Now, you can find dairy-free alternatives in almost all supermarkets, and definitely in the bigger stores.  I must say that although I love cheese, I was never one of those [...]

Raspberry Almond Baked Oats

Raspberry Almond Baked Oats Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. I definitely needed to take a couple of days out to recover. 2018 was intense for me, especially the last two months. But overall it's been good to me and for that I'm thankful.  Like many others around this time of year, I let myself go and ate whatever I wanted! Lots of chocolate, gluten and even some dairy. It's really hard staying dairy and gluten-free around the holidays with all the festive celebrations and family get togethers. I used to be more strict with what I ate at Christmas and New Year's gatherings. It was stressful and uncomfortable being the only odd one out refusing to eat [...]

California Walnut Tomato & Tofu Quiche

California Walnut Tomato & Tofu Quiche A delicious and filling California walnut tomato & tofu quiche in a crumbly oat & walnut crust topped with beautiful orange, yellow and red baby tomatoes. If you're looking to impress vegans and meat-eaters alike with a scrumptious dish that's completely plant base, you NEED to make this!  Now that the weather is getting cooler and the days are becoming shorter, I'm turning to baking for a source of comfort. I've also been inspired to bake more because of the Great British Bake Off. If you're a fan of baking you will most likely be following along and would have seen that last week was the first ever vegan week on the show. It was [...]

Vegan California Walnut Soda Bread

Vegan California Walnut Soda Bread A delicious vegan California walnut soda bread that goes well with both sweet and savoury meals. An easy and versatile recipe that you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Baking is such a hot topic at the moment since the kickstart of this year's Great British Bake Off. I've always been a huge fan of baking (as well as eating baked treats!), but over the summer I found myself unintentionally leaning towards non-baked recipes and desserts. The heat put me off from wanting to turn the oven on, but now that Autumn is officially here (yay!) and bake off fever is in the air, all I want to do is bake bake bake! :D It's such a good time to [...]

Vegan and Gluten-Free Crepes

Vegan and Gluten-Free Crepes Delicious vegan and gluten-free crepes made with oat flour and filled with a protein yoghurt filling to help you feeling full and sustained until lunch time. I try to start my day with oats. It's such a nutritious alternative to white bread/flour especially first thing in the morning. I also try to make sure my breakfast contain some protein and a bit of fat to help keep my blood sugar steady. Eating a carby breakfast like bread, cereal or even porridge without any form of fat and protein leaves me with terrible sugar crashes feeling jittery, irritable and unable to concentrate only an hour after eating! Not ideal when trying to have a productive day. I really do believe that [...]

Vegan Avocado Pesto Grilled Cheese

Vegan Avocado Pesto Grilled Cheese A grilled cheese sandwich with a twist. The twist being this vegan avocado pesto grilled cheese toastie is SO MUCH BETTER than a plain cheese toastie. Add avocado to any sandwich and instantly it's ten times better! Especially when paired with pesto and cheese.  Since reducing my dairy intake, I haven't really missed cheese all that much. The one thing I hear most from people who cut out dairy from their diet or go vegan is how much they miss cheese. I've never experienced that; however, I do crave a bit of cheese every now and then and this vegan avocado pesto grilled cheese is the ultimate way to satisfy such a craving. As I mentioned in my previous [...]

Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie

Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with almond butter, raspberry jam and toasted. This almond butter raspberry toastie is my idea of the perfect winter breakfast treat. And now that the summer break is over and I'm diving into my final year of college, I need all the comfort I can get. Although I LOVE peanut butter, given the choice I would always go for almond butter instead. I love that it has a milder taste that's not too overpowering, especially when there's other flavours in the recipe that you would like to shine through. I think almond butter goes so much better with jam, that's why I skipped the peanut butter and made an almond butter (jelly) raspberry toastie [...]

2018-10-01T09:25:28+01:00September 29, 2018|Breakfasts, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, snack, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|0 Comments

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge If you're looking for new and fun breakfast ideas that you can prepare in advance and enjoy fuss free on a busy morning, then you need to try this blueberry nectarine baked porridge recipe!  Now that the weather is finally getting colder, my breakfasts are now changing from frozen smoothie bowls to porridge and my new favourite, baked porridge! Or baked oatmeal as it's known in other parts of the world.  I'm finding myself craving warm breakfasts more and more. And I know once the UK winter kicks in, I'll say goodbye to my smoothie bowls for good (well, until next spring!), as I welcome bowls of comforting, stodgy oats. One of the things I really miss about winter [...]

Vegan and Gluten-free Chocolate Waffles

Vegan and Gluten-free Chocolate Waffles Rich, vegan and gluten-free chocolate waffles using healthier ingredients. Based on my healthy baked waffles, but made in a waffle maker instead of waffle moulds. I recently bought a new waffle maker and was dying to try it out, so thought I would recreate this basic recipe but with added chocolate.  I usually make waffles on a Sunday morning for me and the hubby and it's something we both look forward to. We don't have much time for a sit down breakfast during the week, so it's a real treat on the weekend to take our time prepping breakfast (although we don't usually eat until 10-11am, so technically it's brunch!) and have a chilled sit down meal on [...]

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