
Chilli Butternut Squash Soup

Chilli Butternut Squash Soup Up until recently I've never been a huge soup fan. I just didn't grow up eating much soup, apart from lentil soup (my fave), so it never appealed much to me. However over the past few weeks I found myself actually craving soups, so I started to buy ready made soups when doing my weekly food shop.  I'm usually a cold meal kind of person and I'm not usually fussed whether a meal is hot, room temperature or cold, but recently my body has been craving warm food. Comfort foods mainly. Stews, curries, porridge...and soup! I decided to try making my own instead of relying on ready made soups. They're fairly easy to make, cost a lot less and [...]

California Walnut Coffee Cake Bars

California Walnut Coffee Cake Bars Looking for the perfect cake to enjoy with your afternoon cup of tea? This is it right here! These California walnut coffee cake bars are my current favourite pick me up with a lovely warm drink. I usually go for chocolatey desserts, but I always get excited when I see a coffee treat on offer. Chocolate is everywhere, but a decent coffee dessert is much harder to come by, so when you finally discover one it feels so much more special. I think coffee as a flavour is not taken advantage of enough in the baking world. Even I rarely make coffee flavoured treats. Well that's about to change from this point onwards. A delicious vegan [...]

Pink Pitaya Coconut Macaroons (Vegan & Gluten-free)

Vegan Pink Pitaya Macaroons (Gluten-free) Yummy vegan and gluten-free macaroons made using only 7 ingredients and require no baking. These vegan pink pitaya macaroons are so easy to make and would make a beautiful party treat! I recently noticed that my Instagram page lacked a bit of colour, which I think is natural around this time of year. Being so close to Christmas means I'm leaning more towards the chocolate, cinnamon, spiced gingerbread types of flavours. It goes without saying that those flavours are super delicious, but there is no denying that those types of treats have more warmer, blander colours.  I've also noticed a lot of people complaining about how low they're feeling now that the weather is a lot more miserable [...]

California Walnut & Sweet Potato Brownies

California Walnut & Sweet Potato Brownies Delicious and rich California walnut & sweet potato brownies made using amazing ingredients like walnuts, oats and sweet potato. A healthified take on the classic and much loved brownies.  I have yet to come across a person who doesn't love brownies. Even people who don't seem to be keen on chocolate still love to indulge in a rich dense brownie every now and then. I could be wrong, but something I do know is that for me, brownies are the ultimate sweet treat.  Brownies can however feel really heavy and can cause digestive issues with IBS sufferers like myself. I try to avoid dairy and gluten on a day to day basis and also try [...]

California Walnut Tomato & Tofu Quiche

California Walnut Tomato & Tofu Quiche A delicious and filling California walnut tomato & tofu quiche in a crumbly oat & walnut crust topped with beautiful orange, yellow and red baby tomatoes. If you're looking to impress vegans and meat-eaters alike with a scrumptious dish that's completely plant base, you NEED to make this!  Now that the weather is getting cooler and the days are becoming shorter, I'm turning to baking for a source of comfort. I've also been inspired to bake more because of the Great British Bake Off. If you're a fan of baking you will most likely be following along and would have seen that last week was the first ever vegan week on the show. It was [...]

Vegan Banana Chocolate Tarts

Vegan Banana Chocolate Tarts A simple and quick dessert that requires little time to prepare, no baking and only a handful of ingredients. These vegan banana chocolate tarts are fairly low in added sugar (as far as desserts go!) and are made with great ingredients like oats, ground almonds, cocoa and oat milk. The filling is a simple mixture of dairy-free banana flavoured oat milk and a bit of cornstarch and agar agar to firm it up and turn it into a thick custard consistency. I used Planted banana flavoured oat milk that you can get from Asda as an easy way to make a tasty filling that's not too fiddly and doesn't require too many ingredients. You can also use a [...]

Vegan California Walnut Soda Bread

Vegan California Walnut Soda Bread A delicious vegan California walnut soda bread that goes well with both sweet and savoury meals. An easy and versatile recipe that you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Baking is such a hot topic at the moment since the kickstart of this year's Great British Bake Off. I've always been a huge fan of baking (as well as eating baked treats!), but over the summer I found myself unintentionally leaning towards non-baked recipes and desserts. The heat put me off from wanting to turn the oven on, but now that Autumn is officially here (yay!) and bake off fever is in the air, all I want to do is bake bake bake! :D It's such a good time to [...]

Vegan Avocado Pesto Grilled Cheese

Vegan Avocado Pesto Grilled Cheese A grilled cheese sandwich with a twist. The twist being this vegan avocado pesto grilled cheese toastie is SO MUCH BETTER than a plain cheese toastie. Add avocado to any sandwich and instantly it's ten times better! Especially when paired with pesto and cheese.  Since reducing my dairy intake, I haven't really missed cheese all that much. The one thing I hear most from people who cut out dairy from their diet or go vegan is how much they miss cheese. I've never experienced that; however, I do crave a bit of cheese every now and then and this vegan avocado pesto grilled cheese is the ultimate way to satisfy such a craving. As I mentioned in my previous [...]

Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie

Almond Butter Raspberry Toastie Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with almond butter, raspberry jam and toasted. This almond butter raspberry toastie is my idea of the perfect winter breakfast treat. And now that the summer break is over and I'm diving into my final year of college, I need all the comfort I can get. Although I LOVE peanut butter, given the choice I would always go for almond butter instead. I love that it has a milder taste that's not too overpowering, especially when there's other flavours in the recipe that you would like to shine through. I think almond butter goes so much better with jam, that's why I skipped the peanut butter and made an almond butter (jelly) raspberry toastie [...]

2018-10-01T09:25:28+01:00September 29, 2018|Breakfasts, Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, snack, Vegan, Vegetarian, Video|0 Comments

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge

Blueberry Nectarine Baked Porridge If you're looking for new and fun breakfast ideas that you can prepare in advance and enjoy fuss free on a busy morning, then you need to try this blueberry nectarine baked porridge recipe!  Now that the weather is finally getting colder, my breakfasts are now changing from frozen smoothie bowls to porridge and my new favourite, baked porridge! Or baked oatmeal as it's known in other parts of the world.  I'm finding myself craving warm breakfasts more and more. And I know once the UK winter kicks in, I'll say goodbye to my smoothie bowls for good (well, until next spring!), as I welcome bowls of comforting, stodgy oats. One of the things I really miss about winter [...]

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