Gluten Free

2-Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Fudge

2-Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Fudge Dessert recipes really don't come easier than this! 2-ingredient vegan chocolate fudge that doesn't require a sugar thermometer or any fudge making experience whatsoever. It's also really quick and easy to make.  You know how much I love easy recipes. The fewer the ingredients and steps the better. However I always make sure that the end result still tastes amazing. What's the point of an easy recipe if you don't enjoy the fruits of your labour, no matter how easy that labour was! As the title of this recipes suggests, this 2-ingredient vegan chocolate fudge has only, well, two ingredients. What are these ingredients I hear you ask? Your favourite dark chocolate - I used dairy-free 74% cocoa  [...]

Breakfast Berry Crumble

Breakfast Berry Crumble Dessert for breakfast? Yes please! This breakfast berry crumble is bursting with blueberry and raspberry goodness and topped with the most scrumptious crumble topping! A few weeks ago I posted a recipe for this raspberry almond baked oats and it was received so well. I guess you all love berries and oats just as much as I do :D I thought I would make another breakfast recipe with berries. Especially seeing that the weather isn't getting any warmer in the UK and we still need all the comfort we can get first thing in the morning before kickstarting our day. Although the word 'breakfast' is in the title, there is no reason why you can't enjoy this breakfast berry crumble any time [...]

Mexican Bean and Sweet Potato Hash

Mexican Bean and Sweet Potato Hash On the menu for this weekend is this Mexican bean and sweet potato hash. A healthy, filling and packed with flavour breakfast/brunch for the whole family to enjoy! I usually go for sweet breakfasts, but on the weekend I crave something savoury. The hubby is more of a savoury person in general and prefers savoury breakfasts, s0 on weekend mornings he takes over the kitchen. It makes a really nice change having something savoury and for me it signals the start of the weekend. I now associate weekends with a savoury brunch. It's also nice because it means I can sit back and let the hubby take over. We take our time and chit chat while he prepares [...]

Mushroom Stuffed Potato Cakes

Mushroom Stuffed Potato Cakes Fluffy potato cakes stuffed with a fragrant lemony herby mushroom mixture. These mushroom stuffed potato cakes would make an amazing addition to meals. I made these potato filled cakes around this time last year and they went down a treat with the family. I had it in mind to make this recipe again to share on the blog, but then completely forgot about it! I then made them again a couple of months ago, took the photos, but wasn't 100% happy with the way the shots turned out. Now I've got my act together, made them again and actually took some really decent pictures this time. So now I can finally satisfied with the cakes AND the images. [...]

Vegan Spinach Cheese Rolls

Vegan Spinach Cheese Rolls Delicious flaky pastry rolls filled with dairy-free 'cheese' and spinach. A great treat to have on the weekend, at parties or a speedy evening treat!  Not too long ago cutting out dairy or being vegan meant you had to go on living your life without things like milk, yoghurt and cheese! Plus the endless list of the other food products that had hidden milk in the ingredient list. Even when more plant-based options became available, they were a lot harder to get hold of and not very accessible to the masses. Now, you can find dairy-free alternatives in almost all supermarkets, and definitely in the bigger stores.  I must say that although I love cheese, I was never one of those [...]

Vegan Raspberry Cheesecake Cups (cashew-free/nut-free/gluten-free)

  Vegan Raspberry Cheesecake Cups Mini vegan raspberry cheesecake cups that also happen to be cashew-free, nut-free and gluten-free! If you search for vegan cheesecake recipes online you'll find that most of them are made with the same main ingredient - cashews! Not that there's anything wrong with cashews, but I wanted to make a plant-based cheesecake that resembles the 'real thing' and I found the best way to do that is by using a dairy-free cream cheese alternative. Both the taste and texture is more true to the original, which is what you want really if you're making a 'cheesecake'. Especially if you're making it for a non-vegan and you want to impress them, a cashew cheesecake just won't cut [...]

2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites

2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites If you like chocolate and you like crunchy treats, then you NEED these 2-ingredient chocolate quinoa crunch bites in your life!  I've been really stressed out recently with clinic work and assessments, so I've been craving ALL THE CHOCOLATE! I know it's not the best thing to eat to nourish your body during periods of high level stress, but my God does chocolate help my soul and mental well being! It becomes my bestest friend :P  I almost feel like chocolate is the only thing getting me by right now! It's sad to say, but it's definitely the highlight of my day (the rhyme wasn't intentional, promise haha!). My chocolate crunch doughnuts have been my [...]

Chilli Butternut Squash Soup

Chilli Butternut Squash Soup Up until recently I've never been a huge soup fan. I just didn't grow up eating much soup, apart from lentil soup (my fave), so it never appealed much to me. However over the past few weeks I found myself actually craving soups, so I started to buy ready made soups when doing my weekly food shop.  I'm usually a cold meal kind of person and I'm not usually fussed whether a meal is hot, room temperature or cold, but recently my body has been craving warm food. Comfort foods mainly. Stews, curries, porridge...and soup! I decided to try making my own instead of relying on ready made soups. They're fairly easy to make, cost a lot less and [...]

Raspberry Almond Baked Oats

Raspberry Almond Baked Oats Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays. I definitely needed to take a couple of days out to recover. 2018 was intense for me, especially the last two months. But overall it's been good to me and for that I'm thankful.  Like many others around this time of year, I let myself go and ate whatever I wanted! Lots of chocolate, gluten and even some dairy. It's really hard staying dairy and gluten-free around the holidays with all the festive celebrations and family get togethers. I used to be more strict with what I ate at Christmas and New Year's gatherings. It was stressful and uncomfortable being the only odd one out refusing to eat [...]

California Walnut Coffee Cake Bars

California Walnut Coffee Cake Bars Looking for the perfect cake to enjoy with your afternoon cup of tea? This is it right here! These California walnut coffee cake bars are my current favourite pick me up with a lovely warm drink. I usually go for chocolatey desserts, but I always get excited when I see a coffee treat on offer. Chocolate is everywhere, but a decent coffee dessert is much harder to come by, so when you finally discover one it feels so much more special. I think coffee as a flavour is not taken advantage of enough in the baking world. Even I rarely make coffee flavoured treats. Well that's about to change from this point onwards. A delicious vegan [...]

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