
Organic Chocolate Cherry Smoothie Bowl

Organic Chocolate Cherry Smoothie Bowl More and more people are choosing to buy organic produce. Whether that be to avoid pesticides, for environmental reasons or for health reasons, there is no doubt that the UK’s appetite for organic food is growing. You can see it in the ever growing organic section in supermarkets and organic drinks and breakfasts/snacks offered in some cafes. Organic food is best, no doubt about it. Here are a few reasons why: Organic food is good for you and in a lot of cases tastier and more delicious too! They have fewer pesticides and in some cases more nutrients. Choosing organic is better for the animals. Happy animals with high standards of animal welfare and no routine use of antibiotics. [...]

Vegan Gluten-free Cinnamon Rolls

Vegan Gluten-free Cinnamon Rolls Who could resist a good cinnamon roll? Not me!  The first time I tried a cinnamon roll was when I visited Sweden with the hubby to stay with the in-laws. I couldn't believe something so delicious excited! So fluffy, sweet and packed with cinnamon - my favourite spice (actually it's a tie between cinnamon and cardamom) :P  I know you can get cinnamon rolls here in the UK, but the ones I've tried from supermarkets are usually made with puff pastry, which is nothing like the one I tried in Sweden. Also, most recipes seem to include a sugar icing on top which I feel ruins the flavour a little. The sweetness is so overpowering that it's more difficult to [...]

2017-06-16T18:49:45+01:00June 7, 2017|Dairy Free, Desserts, Gluten Free, Nut Free|18 Comments

Peanut Butter Brownies Vegan, Gluten-free & Refined Sugar-free

Peanut Butter Brownies Vegan, Gluten-free & Refined Sugar-free Since my cookie dough brownies were such a hit, I thought I would create another brownie recipe using black beans, but this time flavoured with peanut butter. Because we all know chocolate and peanut butter make the most amazing flavour combination :D I also thought we could all do with a bit of comfort seeing that the British weather has skipped summer all together as it's beginning to feel more and more like autumn! It's been throwing it down with rain, windy and the temperature is falling. A good excuse to cosy up on the sofa with a blanket, a cup of tea and a delicious slice of these peanut butter brownies.  Just like the [...]

Moringa Lime Chocolate Tarts

Moringa Lime Chocolate Tarts Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up it seems fitting to focus on chilled sweet treats. Expect lots of ice creams, lollies, refreshing drinks and raw desserts in the next coming weeks. Treats like these decadent Moringa lime chocolate tarts!  The lovely Jacquelyn from FERA kindly sent me some of their Moringa powder to create some nutritionally dense desserts. I loved finding out about her story and the reasons behind starting her business. She suffered with chronic health issues, which she was able to overcome naturally by changing her diet and adopting a more holistic lifestyle. Her journey is something I can relate to as a fellow chronic disease sufferer. I always find such [...]

Lemon Blackberry Bars – Vegan & Gluten-free

Lemon Blackberry Bars - Vegan & Gluten-free This week is National Vegetarian Week and a good excuse to eat less meat and more fresh, in season produce. It runs from 15-21 May and it encourages everyone to eat vegetarian for the duration of that week. Obviously this is not created for people who already eat a vegetarian diet, but rather as a way to encourage meat eaters to consume less animal products and experiment with vegetarian foods of which there are plenty!  I've teamed up with Mornflake to create these lemon blackberry bars - a vegetarian/vegan friendly sweet treat to kick off national vegetarian week and to help bring awareness to the campaign.  With more and more evidence showing that vegetarian diets are associated with lower risks [...]

Strawberry Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars

Strawberry Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars Strawberries and chocolate are always a good combination. The complex flavour and sweetness of the strawberries complement the depth of taste and bitterness of the dark chocolate so well. Another great combination with either/or is salted caramel! Seriously, those three flavours are a combination made in heaven - one that you must try asap if you haven't already! Initially I had the idea of creating a salted caramel strawberry cheesecake, but I didn't just want to stop there. I wanted to make something a little different but equally moreish if not even more so. That's when I had the idea of creating these strawberry salted caramel cheesecake bars individually covered with a dark chocolate shell, because who doesn't love [...]

Healthy Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookies

Healthy Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookies Mmm cookies! If someone asked me if I was more of a cake girl or cookie girl, I would most likely say cookie girl! Of course it does depend on the cake/cookie, but overall I'm definitely more partial to a good cookie, especially when it's chocolate chip and homemade!  What I'm not a fan of are those large American style cookies that you get from supermarkets, bakeries and coffee shops. Those oversized, sickly sweet, fat laden cookies that don't have much flavour to them other than the taste of sugar!  These healthy chocolate chip pretzel cookies are lower in sugar, fat and are made using a mix of oats and ground almonds. With added dairy-free dark chocolate [...]

Vegan Chocolate Hot Cross Bun Ice Cream Sandwiches

Vegan Chocolate Hot Cross Bun Ice Cream Sandwiches  This truly is the ultimate Easter weekend treat. Vegan chocolate hot cross buns served with vegan ice cream instead of plain butter, because if you're going to do it, you might as well go all out! They're really easy to make (watch video at the top of the page) and so much tastier than shop bought hot cross buns with less sugar and completely plant-based. To make them even more decadent I had to add in some Love Cocoa 70% Ecuador dairy-free organic chocolate. Let's be honest, every treat tastes better with chocolate, well almost every treat. When I think a dessert will taste better with chocolate, I'm the first to add it in! It's [...]

Raw Salted Caramel Brownies

Raw Salted Caramel Brownies A treat to satisfy your chocolate cravings without any processed sugar, processed oils or any other nasty added ingredients.  I'm a huge fan of energy/bliss balls - basically any snack made out of dates and nuts. They make a great snack because they're high in fibre, good fats and they're sweet without the need to add any kind of processed refined sugars. Nothing beats whole dates as a form of sweetener, not even the sugar-free varieties, which we are yet to find out their long-term effects as they're relatively new to our diets.  Instead of blending dates and nuts and shaping them into balls, I added in some cocoa powder into the mix and pressed the mixture into [...]

Vegan Easter Creme Eggs

Vegan Easter Creme Eggs What is Easter without a creme egg or two? Or at least some sort of egg shaped chocolate. During my Uni years I used to promise myself I would eat at least one giant Easter egg, but seem to fail. I've always considered Easter eggs overly prised and a bit awkward to eat. I usually end up eating way more than I would usually do just because I don't realise how much I've eaten until it's too late. It's not like you can keep count of how many squares you've eaten and because it's considered a special treat, I end up saying to myself "go on, just have a little more" and before you know it I've eaten half the [...]

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