chocolate almond and baobab nicecream

Chocolate, Almond and Baobab Nicecream

This heat wave that’s hit the UK this week means I’m eating lots AND LOTS of Nicecream. If you’re not familiar with nicecream, I posted another recipe here not too long ago showing how to make another version of this recipe using banana, pineapple and wheatgrass.

Banana ice cream is by far the best, tastiest and healthiest way to cool down on a hot summer’s day, in my opinion. It’s so quick to make, given that you have bananas in your freezer which I make sure I always do during summer in anticipation for such scorching days, and it’s so creamy and delicious without any guilt whatsoever! I know some people (including me once upon a time) avoid bananas because they’re ‘high carb’ but trust me, they won’t make you gain weight! It’s the other junk and processed food that will make you gain weight, not bananas!

I’m adding in some baobab powder to bump up my vitamin C intake. I’ve had a cold and a cough the last two weeks that just won’t budge! Before this, I hadn’t caught a cold in over a year so I think my immune system at the moment is weak for some reason, so I’m trying to strengthen it by eating as much fruit and veg as I can.

I’m also adding in some almond butter to add richness and creaminess to the nicecream, although you can use any kind of nut butter you prefer, or if you can’t eat nuts, you can always add in some yogurt instead.

[yumprint-recipe id=’42’]

 You may also like these ice cream recipes

Banana Wheatgrass Nicecream


Choc Maca Nana Icecream


Avocado Ice Cream


Speedy Vegan Mango and Coconut Ice Cream
