Plum Hazelnut Porridge

You know it’s autumn when your Instagram and Pinterest  feed is jam-packed with endless images of pumpkin recipes, Halloween treats and porridge. Lots and lots of porridge! 

Not that I would ever complain about an abundance of porridge posts. After all I basically live of porridge during the cooler autumn months and definitely once winter kicks in. There is nothing more comforting and satisfying than a bowl of warm oats with a HUGE mug of tea on a chilly morning. 

Plum Hazelnut PorridgeIt’s so much more difficult to get out of bed in the morning when A) it’s still pitch black outside B) it’s so cold and C) your bed is so lovely and warm! I already struggle getting out of bed in the morning, but autumn and winter days makes it that much more of a challenge. 

That’s where porridge comes in! The thought of a lovely sweet bowl of porridge is enough to motivate me to drag myself out of my comfy bed and into my kitchen.

vegan gluten-free porridge recipe Although I could never get bored of porridge, even if I have the same toppings every single day, but I have to say it’s still nice changing the flavours up a bit to make things even more interesting and exciting. One of my current favourite porridge toppings are plums and hazelnuts. Juicy plums stewed in maple syrup and cinnamon topped with crunchy hazelnuts. Just the thought of it is making my mouth water! 

This plum hazelnut porridge recipe is:

& so comforting! 

Here’s how to make it…

vegan gluten-free porridge recipe

Plum Hazelnut Porridge

Serves: 2


1/2 cup oat flour OR 3/4 cup rolled oats – use gluten-free oats if allergic/intolerant
1 cup water, milk or a mixture of the two – I used hazelnut milk
2 tbsp milled flaxseed OR chia seeds
1 tsp coconut oil
2 ripe plums
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp maple syrup or to taste
Handful of hazelnuts, roughly chopped


Melt the coconut oil in a small saucepan. Slice the plums and add them to the pan along with the cinnamon and maple syrup. Cook on a medium heat for a few minutes until the plums are soft. Add a splash of water if necessary.
In the meantime, add the oats, flaxseed and milk to another saucepan. Cook on medium, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens. This should only take a few minutes.
Transfer the porridge into a bowl and top with the cooked plums and chopped hazelnuts. Drizzle with a little maple syrup for a sweetener porridge.

هريسة او عصيدة الخوخ و البندق ـ وصفة فطور نباتية صحية
١/٢ كوب دقيق الشوفان شوفان مطحون بالخلاط
١ كوب ماء أو حليب من اختيارك. اني استخدمت حليب البندق
٢ ملاعق كبيرة بذور الكتان أو بذور شيا
حبتين خوخ/عنجاص
٢ ملعقة صغيرة قرفة
١ ملعقة كبيرة شراب القيقب، دبس أو عسل
بندق مفروم


أضف الخوخ إلى قدر صغير مع القرفة وشراب القيقب. إضف ١ ملعقة كبيرة من الماء واطبخ على نار متوسطة لبضع دقائق الى ان يصبح الخوخ لين. أضف ماء حسب الحاجة
في هذه الأثناء، إضف الشوفان، بذور الكتان والحليب إلى قدر آخر. اطبخ على نار متوسطة حتى يثخن الخليط.
قدم مع الخوخ المطبوخ والبندق.
أضف المزيد من شراب القيقب أو العسل حسب التفضيل
الف عافية