
Lentil & Chickpea Meatloaf

Most Christmas dinners are not seen to be complete without meat being the centre piece, but I don’t see why that has to be the case. You can create a delicious meat-free recipe that the whole family can enjoy that takes a fraction of the time to make compared to something like a turkey or chicken!

Since deciding to heavily cut down on meat consumption, I’ve realised how delicious vegetarian food can be. Not that I didn’t know that before since I’ve never been a big meat eater. But cutting down on meat as well as cutting out dairy, gluten and refined sugar has forced me to experiment more with more plant-based foods, which I’m really enjoying so far!


Vegetarian food doesn’t have to be bland and certainly doesn’t have to be boring! It’s true that when taking out the meat from a recipe, you do need to add more flavour and seasonings, which is not a bad thing!

This lentil and chickpea meatloaf is high in protein, fibre, iron, magnesium, manganese, B vitamins and vitamin A. It would go really well with roasted vegetables and my roasted brussels sprouts with cranberries and pecans

[yumprint-recipe id=’77’]lentil-and-chickpea-meatloaf_3