Plum Blueberry Galette (Vegan & Gluten-free)Plum Blueberry Galette (Vegan & Gluten-free)

The weekend is finally here! It’s been a long and tiring week, and even though I’ll still be working today and tomorrow, I love the calmness that comes with the weekend. Especially Saturdays! It’s a chance for me to reflect on the week that’s gone and a chance to work out what I need to do for the week ahead. And I love not having to worry about responding to a ton of emails or getting back to clients until Monday. It just feels so much more relaxed. 

Yesterday was my first day back at college. Some of you may already know that I enrolled into a Nutrition course (click here to find out more) a couple of years ago, but then had to take some time out because studying, exams, assignments as well as work, life commitments and trying to look after my health was getting a bit too much for me. I know some people thrive under pressure and can easily juggle between lots of different tasks and do a million things in a short space of time, but I’m just not one of those people. Anxiety, stress and fatigue mean that somedays I hardly have the energy to do simple everyday tasks. I find it difficult to focus so I keep jumping from one thing to another, which is the worst thing for productivity, but my anxious mind has to think about ten things at the same time and I end up feeling overwhelmed. 

I didn’t want to delay my studies any longer so I’m throwing myself back in and I have to say that even though I’m nervous, I’m also really excited to be studying again. Nutrition really is so fascinating and so much more complex than people think. A nutritional therapist’s job isn’t simply telling people to eat fruit and veg and to cut down on junk food. There are so many things that come into play, especially with chronic conditions and everyone is so different in their needs and requirements.

So to calm myself down what do I do? I bake, of course! 😀 I made this vegan & gluten-free plum galette to warm me up on these cold, dark autumn evenings! 

The base is made up of a simple mixture of oat flour (my favourite baking ingredient), ground almonds, coconut oil and water. I also added 1 tbsp of coconut sugar just to add a hint of sweetness to the pastry. The filling is a simple mixture of plums, blueberries, lemon juice, a bit of sweetener and cornstarch. It really is such a simple recipe that’s ready in no time!

Serve this vegan plum & blueberry galette with some dairy-free ice cream or custard to make it taste extra delicious and decadent! 

Plum Blueberry Galette (Vegan & Gluten-free)


For the base

1 cup (110g) oat flour – make your own by blending plain rolled oats into a flour in the food processor. Use gluten-free if allergic/intolerant
1/2 cup (50g) ground almonds
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp coconut sugar or regular sugar
1/4 (4 tbsp) cup coconut oil
1/4 (4 tbsp) cup cold water

For the filling

2 plums, sliced
1/2 cup (85g) blueberries
1/2 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp coconut sugar or regular sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice


Preheat your oven to 190°C (170°C fan assisted)/ 375 °F. 
In a bowl mix together the oat flour, ground almonds, salt and coconut sugar. Add in the coconut oil and cold water. Mix until you have a dough that hold together well. If the dough is soft, refrigerate for 30 minutes to make it easier to work with. 
Roll out into a rough circle about 1/2 cm thick on a well floured surface. Spread the plum mixture in the middle and fold over the edges (see video above).
Bake for 40-50 minutes until the edges are golden brown. 
Serve warm with ice cream or custard. 

١ كوب (١١٠ غرام) دقيق الشوفان شوفان كامل مطحون في الخلاط
١/٢ كوب (٥٠ غرام) لوز مطحون
١/٤ ملعقة صغيرة ملح
١ ملعقة كبيرة سكر جوز الهند أو سكر ابيض
١/٤ كوب زيت جوز الهند غير مذاب
١/٤ كوب ماء بارد
خوخ/عنجاص/كوجة، مقطع شرائح
١/٢ كوب (٨٥ غرام) توت ازرق او اَي نوع توت
١/٢ ملعقة كبيرة نشا
١ ملعقة كبيرة سكر جوز الهند أو سكر ابيض
1 ملعقة كبيرة عصير الليمون
سخن الفرن إلى ١٩٠ درجة مئوية


في وعاء اخلط دقيق الشوفان، اللوز المطحون، الملح و السكر. إضف زيت جوز الهند والماء البارد. تخلط حتى يكون لديك عجين متجانس. إذا العجين لين، ضع في الثلاجة نصف ساعة
افرد العجين لسمك ١/٢ سم
انشر خليط الخوخ في الوسط ثم اطوي حواف (انظر الفيديو أعلاه).
اخبز لمدة ٤٠٥٠ دقيقة
قدم ساخن مع آيس كريم نباتي
نادية xx