Porridge is usually considered boring, tasteless and not particularly an exciting breakfast to eat. I couldn’t disagree more! I have always loved porridge and feel there are so many ways you can dress up your bowl of porridge so you feel you’re having something different every single day! The flavours, textures and combinations you can add are endless. From chocolate, cinnamon, nut butters, to fruit, protein powders and superfood powders. Porridge is so versatile, don’t be scared to experiment and try different things!

I can honestly say that not only is porridge one of my go-to breakfasts that I have on most mornings (especially in winter!), but it’s also one of my favourite breakfasts to have! It’s such a hassle free breakfast and you don’t need any fancy ingredients or anything specific (apart from oats, of course!) you can literally add in what you have available.

Typically to make porridge you would use plain rolled oats, I however; prefer to use oat flour which is oats ground up into a fine flour. I make my own by simply blending oats in the food processor or blender so it’s super cheap, quick and easy. The reason I like using oat flour is because it gives the most amazing, smooth, rich texture – just like a pudding! It also means it cooks much quicker. Porridge is not necessarily considered time consuming but making it with oat flour makes it that much faster!

how to make healthy porridge

How to make healthy porridge

I filmed a short video showing you how to make healthy porridge – all you need is oats, some form of liquid and a pan! Typically when I make porridge I would add some cinnamon to flavour, a mashed banana, some dried fruit (dates and raisins are my favourote!) for some natural sweetness and some nuts, seeds or nut butter for some healthy fats and a bit of crunch. To top it off, i like to add some fresh fruit, berries and whatever else I fancy on that particular day.

how to make healthy porridge how to make healthy porridge

Serves – 1
  1. 1/3 cup (40g) plain rolled oats or oat flour* (I like using oat flour because it gives the porridge a smoother texture – like a pudding!)
  2. 2/3 cup (200ml) milk/water or a combination of the two. I’m loving Hemp milk at the moment so that’s what I’ve been using recently.
  3. 1 ripe banana
  4. 1 tsp raisins
  5. 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  6. 2 tsp milled flaxseed
  7. 1 tsp maca powder (I use Organic Burst)
  8. Topping suggestions: fruit, dried fruit, nuts, nut butter, seeds, cacao nibs, hemp hearts, more cinnamon…or anything else you like!
  9. *Make your own oat flour by blending plain oats in a food processor/blender
  1. Mash the banana using the back of a fork
  2. In a small pan, add in your oats/oat flour, cinnamon and milk.
  3. Add in your mashed banana and raisins and give everything a quick stir
  4. Cook over a medium/low heat whilst stirring continuously
  5. Once you’re happy with the consistency of your porridge, take off the heat then mix in the flaxeed and maca powder.
  6. Serve in your favourite bowl and top with your favourite toppings.
  7. Enjoy!

I like to add cinnamon to flavour, some ground flaxseed for some extra fats and some maca powder for an extra boost of energy, but the beauty of porridge is that you can really make it your own by adding what YOU like!

If you try this recipe or any of my other recipes, make sure to take a photo and tag me on social media, or you send me an email at [email protected] so I can share it!