2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites

2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites

If you like chocolate and you like crunchy treats, then you NEED these 2-ingredient chocolate quinoa crunch bites in your life! 

2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites

I’ve been really stressed out recently with clinic work and assessments, so I’ve been craving ALL THE CHOCOLATE! I know it’s not the best thing to eat to nourish your body during periods of high level stress, but my God does chocolate help my soul and mental well being! It becomes my bestest friend 😛 

I almost feel like chocolate is the only thing getting me by right now! It’s sad to say, but it’s definitely the highlight of my day (the rhyme wasn’t intentional, promise haha!).

My chocolate crunch doughnuts have been my most popular recipe of all time (so far). You guys seemed to have fallen head over heals in love with it! I can totally see why though, it’s one of my favourite recipes too and it’s so simple. It doesn’t get easier than a 3-ingredient recipe. 

Oh wait…actually…it does! 

Allow me to introduce you to these deliciously, crunchy and addictive chocolate quinoa crunch bites using only 2 ingredients. Yes…ONLY. TWO. INGREDIENTS. As you may have already figured out, the recipe couldn’t be simpler to make. It’s literally quinoa pops folded in melted chocolate and shaped into bites. The crunch in them makes them so addictive and satisfying. Exactly what I need right now. They’re my current favourite study snack, no doubt about that! 

I don’t think I really need to say anything else about these beauties to convince you to try them. Just have a look at them. You know you want them. So GO! Go make them now!! 😀 

2-ingredient Chocolate Quinoa Crunch Bites


200g (7oz) dark chocolate, malted – I used 70% dark chocolate 
35g (1 1/2 cups) quinoa pops


Melt the chocolate and leave to cool for a couple of minutes, then fold in the quinoa pops. 
Use a small ice cream scoop to shape into small bite, and arrange onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 
Move to the fridge and allow to set for 15-30 minutes. 