Vegan & Gluten-free Trifle

If you’re new to the word trifle – it’s basically a dessert, or type of pudding, where sponge cake and fruit are layered in a special wide trifle serving dish with custard and jelly. It’s usually topped with lots and lots of whipped cream. I know it doesn’t sound super healthy, but you can imagine how delicious that combination is, can’t you? 

A spoonful of cake, fruit, custard, jelly and cream all in one mouthful? Genius! 

Before we move on any further, I have a confession to make. I don’t think I’ve actually ever tried a trifle before. It’s such a quintessential British dessert, so I feel it’s a big deal that I’ve never tired it! 

Vegan & Gluten-free TrifleVegan & Gluten-free TrifleMy mum used to tell me stories about how my granny used to make trifles and how she loved coming back home from school to find a trifle waiting for her and my uncles to enjoy (after they finished their dinner, of course!). 

The only problem that I have with trifle, and one of the reasons I’ve never tried it before, is the fact that the sponge cake is usually soaked in some form of alcohol, typically sherry. As someone who avoids alcohol, that has resulted in me staying away from trifle, so I’ve never had the chance to try it. 

Having said that, I’ve been wanting to try it for years! Now the time has come for me to share my vegan AND gluten-free pomegranate trifle. All components made from scratch! 

Vegan & Gluten-free TrifleThis is my second recipe working with KoRo, who are online health food shop selling everything from dates, oats and nuts, to more unusual but equally as exciting products like chia flour, pomegranate protein and dried dragonfruit!

To make this vegan & gluten-fre trifle, I’m using KoRo‘s pomegranate protein powder (I just had to, it was calling my name!) and their 100% natural pomegranate juice. 

KoRo have kindly offered my blog readers and followers a 5% discount code on every order you make. If you would like to try any of their healthy goodies, just use the code KOROLICIOUS at the checkout. 

Usually trifles are made with berries like strawberries and raspberries, but when I saw KoRo’s pomegranate protein and juice, I thought it would be fun to give it a Middle Eastern twist (we use pomegranate in SO many Middle Eastern recipes). It tastes so delicious!

The custard is made with soy milk, corn starch and agar agar – no eggs or dairy in sight.

The jelly is made simple by using pomegranate juice, agar agar and sweeter.

And the sponge cake is a homemade vegan & gluten-free sponge with some added pomegranate protein. 

I know I use agar agar twice in this recipe, and most people ask me if they can leave it out whenever I use it, but unfortunately you just won’t get the same results without it. You definitely will struggle to make the jelly without it as jelly is usually made with gelatine to give it that firm, but bouncy texture. 

The good news it agar agar is really easy to get hold of online. I bought mine months ago for £6.96 and I’m still not even half way through the tub! A little definitely goes a long way, so I would say it’s worth the investment. 

Vegan & Gluten-free Trifle

Serves: 4-6


For the pomegranate sponge
1/4 cup oat flour – use gluten-free if allergic/intolerant
1 tbsp ground almonds
1 tbsp KoRo pomegranate protein powder
1.5 tbsp stevia or granulated sweetener of choice
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp milled flaxseed +1 tbsp hot water – mix in a small bowl and leave for 10-15 minutes to set
2 tbsp mashed banana 
1.5 tbsp milk of choice
1 tbsp oil

For the pomegranate jelly
1 cup KoRo pomegranate juice
1-2 tbsp stevia or maple syrup – use more for a sweeter jelly
1/2 tsp agar agar

For the vanilla custard
1 cup unsweetened soya milk
1 tsp vanilla paste/extract
2 tbsp cornflour
4 tbsp stevia/maple syrup
1/2 tsp agar agar
Pinch of turmeric for colour


Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan assisted)/ 350°F
To make the sponge – mix all the ingredients in a bowl, then divide between 4 muffin cases. Bake for 20 minutes.
To make the jelly – pour the pomegranate juice in a small saucepan along with the agar agar and sweetener. Mix until the agar has dissolved. Heat on a medium/high heat stirring continuously. Bring to a quick boil then take off the heat. Pour into a dish and leave to set. Once the mixture cools down it will start to set and solidify.
To make the custard – pour the milk, sweetener, vanilla, cornflour and agar agar in a small saucepan. Mix well until the cornflour and agar has dissolved. Heat on medium/high stirring continuously until the mixture starts to thicken. Take off the heat and leave to set. Again, the custard will thicken once cooled down.
To assemble – break up the muffins and divide equally between 2 mini trifle dishes (or one big dish). Top with the set cooled custard and then jelly. Sprinkle on top some chopped strawberries. 
Top with whipped cream and fruit of choice – I used pomegranate seeds and blueberries for a lovely colour contract.
Store in the fridge until ready to serve.
Keeps for 2-3 days. 

١/٤ كوب دقيق الشوفانشوفان مطحون بالخلاط
١ ملعقة كبيرة دقيق اللوز أو لوز مطحون
١ ملعقة كبيرة مسحوق بروتين نباتي
١ ملعقة و نصف كبيرة ستيفيا أو سكر
ربع ملعقة صغيرة بيكنك بودر
رشة ملح صغيرة
١ ملعقة صغيرة بذور الكتان مطحون +١ ملعقة كبيرة ماء ساخن
2 ملعقة كبيرة موز مهروس
١ ملعقة كبيرة دهن
١ ملعقة و نصف كبيرة اَي نوع حليب نباتي

جيلي الرمان
١ كوب عصير الرمان
١٢ ملعقة كبيرة ستيفيا أو شراب القيقباستخدم اكثر حسب الرغبة
١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة مسحوق الاغار (agar agar)
كاسترد الفانيليا
١ كوب حليب الصويا غير المحلى
١ ملعقة صغيرة الفانيلا لصق / استخراج
٢ ملعقة كبيرة نشا الذرة
٤ ملعقة كبيرة ستيفيا أو شراب القيقب
١/٢ ملعقة صغيرة مسحوق الاغار (agar agar)
رشة صغيرة كركم لاضافة لون اصفر

اخلط بذور الكتان مع الماء في وعاء صغير واترك ١٠-١٥ دقيقة
سخن الفرن إلى ١٨٠ درجة مئوية
طريقة عمل الاسفنجاخلط جميع المكونات في وعاء، ثم قسم بين٤ قوالب مافن. اخبز لمدة ٢٠ دقيقة.
طريقة عمل الجيلي صب عصير الرمان في قدر صغير
اضف مسحوق الاغار والمحلي. اخلط حتى يذوب الأغار.
اطبخ على حرارة متوسطة. حريك باستمرارالى ان يغلي الزيج. صب في طبق واترك ليبرد
طريقة عمل الكاسترد اضف الحليب، المحلي، الفانيليا، النشا و الاغار في قدر صغير. اخلط جيدا حتى يذوب النشا و الاغار. اطبخ على نار متوسطة حرك باستمرار حتى  يثخنالخليط. اترك ليبرد.
قطع المافن لقطع صغيرة و وضعها في اسفل وعاء عميق، بعدها نضع الكاسترد ثم الجيلي و نضع فوقها الكريمة و فواكه
الف عافية

Thanks to KoRo for sponsoring this post. Commissioned posts is how I’m able to continue working on the blog and creating recipes and recipe videos for you. As always, all opinions are my own.