Bramley Apple Overnight Oats

Bramley Apple Overnight Oats

* This post is sponsored by Great British Apples*

A delicious, healthy and convenient breakfast to make on busy mornings or on-the-go. This Bramley apple overnight oats recipe is super delicious and filling and packed with fibre and nutrients.

Bramley Apple Overnight Oats

Breakfasts like these are life savers on busy mornings when you know you won’t get the chance to put together a decent breakfast, especially when you’re trying to make something nutritious for yourself or your family. The great thing about overnight oats if that you can prepare it in advance the night before and have it in waiting for you in the fridge the next morning. It’s a really good on-the-go breakfast too since you can store it in Tupperware and easily carry it in your bag or backpack. 

The other advantage of making overnight oats is it’s healthy! Packed with fibre from the oats and added fruit or berries and you can easily make it into a well-rounded meal by adding some protein and fat like nut butter and seeds. It’s also really quick and easy to put together.

Now that autumn is knocking on the door, it seemed appropriate to use comforting ingredients and flavours – in this case I’m using Bramley apples and cinnamon. Those two ingredients are the definition of autumnal comfort! 

Great British Apples challenged me to create another recipe using their Bramley apples to showcase their versatility by moving away from the traditional crumbles/pies/sauces that are usually associated with Bramley apples. When you think of apple recipes, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? I bet the first things you think of are pies and crumbles. Am I right or am I right? 😛

Bramley apples are high in malic acid, and so deliver a tangy taste and they retain their flavour after cooking making them perfect for baking. However, they can also be used in no-bake recipes like smoothies, snacks (like this caramel apple energy balls recipe) and raw desserts.

This apple overnight oats recipe is vegan, gluten-free and super delish! A must try for all you apple and overnight oats lovers.

Bramley Apple Overnight Oats

Serves – 2

90g (1 cup) oats – use gluten-free oats if allergic/intolerant to gluten.
235ml (1 cup) plant milk – I used oat milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp maple syrup
Handful of walnuts, lightly toasted

For the apples
1 Bramley apple, chopped
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp cinnamon


Prepare the overnight oats by mixing together the oats with the cinnamon, maple syrup and milk. Cover and leave to set in the fridge overnight.
To make the cinnamon apples – heat the coconut oil and maple syrup in a frying pan. Add the apples and the cinnamon. Cook on a medium heat until softened.
In the morning divide the oats between 2 glasses/jars/bowls and top with the cooked apples and lightly toasted walnuts.