Baked Tamari & Maple Tofu with Rice Noodles

Baked Tamari & Maple Tofu with Rice Noodles

I’ve been eating quite a lot of tofu and I’m really enjoying experimenting with it at the moment. Since I’ve decided to start cutting back on my meat consumption and to stop cooking it at home, tofu has become a life saver! It’s an amazing vegetarian/vegan source of protein and it’s quite easy to cook once you know what you’re doing. 


To get the best texture, it’s best to press your tofu to get as much of the excess water out as possible. The first time I cooked tofu I skipped this step so the end result was way to soft and kind of ruined the whole dish. Many of the recipes I found online cooked the tofu by frying which now I don’t think is the best way to cook tofu. If you’re looking for a more firm, meaty kind of texture, baking it is the way to go as far as I’m concerned! 


To flavour, I’m using a mixture of tamari (instead of soy sauce to keep it gluten-free), sesame oil for that Asian feel, maple syrup for some natural sweetness, lime juice for a hint of sourness, garlic and fresh ginger. Since a little bit of heat never hurt anyone, I’m adding in a sliced green chilli. To decorate I sprinkled a generous handful of toasted peanuts which also adds a lovely crunch, some toasted sesame seeds and some fresh coriander to finish! 

This baked tamari & maple tofu with rice noodles recipe is vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and high in protein. I’ve included a full nutritional breakdown below.


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